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Velour leather roll for 12 chisels

Velours leather roll for 12 tools, for firmer chisel up to a width of 26 mm, for carving chisel up to a with of 22 mm

€ 51.42

€ 31.90

Velour leather apron

Velours leather apron

€ 107.21

€ 59.90

Carving chisel set, 6 pcs. with pear shaped handle in display box

Carving tool set 4pcs., with pear shaped handle, in display box 6 pieces, each 1 piece: 5601: 2, 6, 10 mm 5606: 6, 10 mm 5639: 4 mm

€ 149.77

€ 139.49

Turning tool set, long wooden handle

Turning chisel set 4pcs., with long hornbeam handle, in display box. 4 pieces, each 1 piece: 1609: 16 mm 1619: 20 mm 1629: 6 mm 1649: 20 mm

€ 133.24

€ 125.13

Baseball Cap

€ 11.97

€ 6.50